Jiro Dreams of Sushi Dining Experience Still


Jiro Dreams of Sushi Dining Experience Still


In the second scene, the food critic Yamamoto has brought a group of guests to Sukiyabashi Jiro. Throughout the clip, jump cuts are made every time a new piece of sushi is laid on the black slate. Cuts are also made between Jiro’s expression and those that are dining in front of him. This displays his interest and concern in how his diners experience his food. Perspective shots also change between Jiro and his diners. One minute the camera is focused on Jiro from the diner’s perspective, another moment the camera is focused on the diners from Jiro’s perspective. This illustrates their impressions of him and his impressions of them. They are experiencing this three-course meal prepared by this silent, older looking man who stares them down as they eat. Meanwhile, he is reading their expressions to see what kind of response they have to his “concerto” or three-course meal. The camera keeps coming back to Jiro’s hands carefully and
precisely shaping the sushi. The close ups of the different pieces of sushi on the black slabs provide a great “portrait” of Jiro’s art. The colors of the fish and different seafood against the black background contrast nicely, showing the beautiful colors of the seafood and rice. These pieces of sushi all have a place in the concerto, they are an eight bar phrase or a soaring melody. Throughout the scene, extra diegetic classical music is being played to demonstrate the similarity between Jiro’s three-course meal and the different movements of a concerto. Just like Yamamoto says, Jiro’s meals consist of ebbs and flows, and different dynamics very similar to that of a symphony or concerto. All parts of concertos and symphonies are methodically practiced until the musician can generate the best sound possible even though they are always striving for something more than what they have or what they are. The same idea applies to Jiro; he constantly practices and prepares. He is always trying to invent new ways of making sushi and improving his recipes.


Film "Jiro Dreams of Sushi"


Magnolia Pictures


This image belongs to all studios and persons responsible for creating the film "Jiro Dreams of Sushi"




“Jiro Dreams of Sushi Dining Experience Still,” Jiro Dreams of Sushi: Precise Art, accessed April 19, 2024, https://kupadhyayengl104.omeka.net/items/show/5.